News & Updates

News & Updates

Live-Stream Mass on Facebook

The Daily Mass is live-streamed on Facebook Monday-Saturday at 8:30am. The Sunday Masses are live-streamed on Facebook on Saturdays at 5:00pm; Sundays at 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm and 6:00pm.

Click the Facebook LIVE logo to be re-directed to our Parish’s Facebook page.  Masses & parish events live-streamed on Facebook are archived on the platform and can be watched at a later time.  Note: You do not need a Facebook account to view the live-stream.

Lent at OLL

“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart…” – Joel 2:12

Additional Weekday Mass during Lent

During the season of Lent, in addition to our 8:30am daily Mass, Monday-Saturday, we will also celebrate Mass at 12:10pm, Monday-Friday.  Attending daily Mass is a great way to add to your prayer routine and enhance your Lenten preparations.

Stations of the Cross

Join us on Fridays at 12:45pm and 7:30pm when we will pray the Stations of the Cross in the Church.  The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, detail fourteen different moments on the day Jesus died.  This prayer “pilgrimage” is a powerful way to grow closer to Jesus at any time of the year, though it is most popular during the Lenten season.

OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

On Sunday, March 9, 2025, Christopher Monahan, Gabrielle Montalbano, Richard Nielsen, Alexandra Scoglio, Jorge Vallecillo Solis and Lisa Joy Walters participated in the Diocese of Rockville Centre Rite of Election at St Anne in Brentwood with Bishop John Barres as Presider and all Parishes in Suffolk County were in attendance.  They are no longer called Catechumen but now called “The Elect.”

On Sunday, Mar 16, 2025, we celebrated the Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion for our baptized candidates Henry Brunjes, James MacInness, Robert MacInness, Courtney Pulver Dal Fonso, Briana Rexon and Charles Waelder here at Our Lady of Lourdes at the 11am Mass.

On Sundays, March 23, March 30 and April 6, (the Third Sunday of Lent, and continuing on the Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent) at the 11AM Mass we will celebrate the “Scrutinies” –“The Elect” will continue to remain “united with Christ and make progress in their efforts to love God more deeply.

These are important steps in the journey of the OCIA. It is a clear sign to the community that they are coming closer to receiving the Sacraments of Initiation and Full Communion with the Church at our Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19, 2025.

The Church gives us this public and life-giving process DURING LENT so that these good and holy people can be nourished and supported by our parish family. At the same time, we know that when we initiate others, we confront and renew our own identity as members of the Catholic Christian community. Please continue to pray for our OCIA and our OCIA team.  If you feel you would like to become a baptized Catholic or become more fully initiated into your Catholic faith, please email [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 631-661-3224, and we would be happy to help you.

LENT 2025 – Come and Pray with Religious Education this Lent!

Religious Education Grades 5, 6, 7 & 8 and their Families
Sunday, 6:00pm Mass

3rd Sunday of Lent, March 23:  Grade 5“Repent” says the Lord
4th Sunday of Lent, March 30:  Grade 6“See” be open to God’s love
5th Sunday of Lent, April 6:  Grade 7“Serve” our Parish Family
Palm Sunday, April 13:  Grade 8“Pray” as Holy Week begins

Return to Me – 40 Days of Eucharistic Adoration 

During the sacred season of Lent, our diocese has invited us to take the opportunity to encounter the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at forty different parishes across Long Island.

To participate:  

  1. Click here and print your Eucharistic Adoration calendar passport, complete with a list of parishes hosting adoration during Lent!
  2. Visit a Nassau or Suffolk parish for Eucharistic Adoration.
  3. Collect your passport sticker at each parish.  It’s a beautiful way to encounter the Lord this Lent – see if you can collect them all!

Purple Lenten Cloth

On the first weekend of Lent, we received a square of purple cloth to carry with us during the season.   It reminds us of Jesus’ suffering and how we should honor Him with our love, prayers and sacrifice during Lent. Purple is traditionally the color of royalty and is used throughout our liturgies and our church during the Lenten Season. The soldiers placed a purple robe and a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head to mock His kingship. They did not know that they were mocking no earthly king, but the King of heaven and earth. And Jesus bore all of this with humility and divine mercy toward His tormentors.

Jubilee Year of Hope

Celebrating the Jubilee at OLL…

We been incorporating the Jubilee Hymn, “Pilgrims of Hope” & Jubilee Prayer at our liturgies.  Cards have been placed in the pews with the prayer on one side and the hymn on the other.  We hope that these elements of prayer will bring us closer to Christ and help us to be “Pilgrims of Hope” to all we encounter on our journeys of faith.

Jubilee Logo

We have installed a large Jubilee logo inside the main entrance to the Church.  The logo shows four figures stylized to indicate humanity coming from the four corners of the earth. They are embracing each other to indicate the solidarity and brotherhood which joins the world’s people. The figure at the head is holding onto the cross, the anchor of our faith.

Plenary Indulgence

Jubilee 2025

The 2025 Jubilee officially opened on December 24, 2024 at 7pm in Rome, with the rite of Opening of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter by the Holy FatherStay tuned for any 2025 Jubilee related events as they become available.  

Lector Ministry – An Invitation for New Lectors

The proclamation of the Word of God is a special service to the Church. Each Sunday at Mass, lectors bring the living Word of God to those assembled to worship.  If you feel called to demonstrate your own faith while proclaiming the Word to others, we invite you to join our Ministry.  If you are interested in training to become a lector, please contact the Parish Office at 661-3224 x O and leave a message for Angela.

Baby Blanket Bunch Needs Help

Our Baptism Ministry gives a blessed, white baby blanket to each child baptized in the parish. The blankets are handmade by our Baby Blanket Bunch, a division of our Prayer Shawl Ministry. The Ministry is in need of donations of Lion Brand “Pound of Love worsted weight #4” (the weight can be found on the packaging) soft white yarn for the blankets. The yarn can be dropped off at the Parish Office. We thank you for your generosity!

Spring Bible Study/ Retreat – 33 Days to Morning Glory

Tuesdays – May 13, 20, 27 & June 3, 10, 17, 24
Choose:  1:00pm or 7:30pm
All Purpose Room
$30 per person donation or free will offering

Mark your calendar! This next series will lead us in a closer relationship with the one who is closest to Jesus, His Mother, Mary. He desires us to know her, love her and be in close relationship with her. Therefore, during this study, we will consecrate ourselves to Mary which will allow her to lead us in deeper intimacy with her Son. This seven week series will feel more like a retreat in the presentation of the material and the reflection questions. We will also learn what four saints knew about the quickest, surest and easiest way to holiness. The DVD presentation is by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, an excellent speaker, followed by small group discussion. We will be using his textbook and workbook, entitled 33 Days to Morning Glory, along with a Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church.

To register, scan or click on the QR code or call the Parish Office at 631-661-3224 ext. 2.

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage Opportunities:

Rome Pilgrimage with Fr. Dennis & Fr. Charles

CLICK HERE for trip itinerary.  

Medjugorje Pilgrimage with Fr. Charles

CLICK HERE for trip itinerary.

“Mission of the Family” Video Series

Men and women, young and old, strengthen and grow in your faith for your families with five short videos produced by the Knights of Columbus called the “Mission of The Family”. The videos can be found on the Knights of Columbus website for free!

CLICK HERE to view the “Mission of The Family” videos.  Each video is less than 14 minutes in length.

Religious Education:  “Special K”

Fridays – 4:30-5:15pm
March 28 & April 25

Attention Parents and Grandparents of children in Kindergarten! Designed for children in Kindergarten, this program fosters their interest in and understanding of the process of Religious Education. We meet in the Solarium (room near the statue of Jesus with the Children) monthly, on Friday afternoons at 4:30pm. The theme has been “Welcoming Jesus” and we have covered many topics: Prayer, Sharing, and Community among them. This year, the Program will begin in October. We have expanded our range of topics to include some holiday traditions and explanations of the Church seasons so that a young child may connect more easily with parish life. The program is entirely voluntary – so come and see! If you plan on coming, e-mail Sister Diane so we will have enough materials: [email protected].

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Tuesdays

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from 12:30pm until 7:30pm, in the Church.  Come and spend some quiet time alone in prayer with Jesus.  Invite a friend!

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (Formerly… Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

What’s it all about? IF you are an adult AND … you were never Baptized … you were Baptized in another faith and would like to become a baptized Catholic … you never received Holy Communion (Eucharist) … you never received your Confirmation… IF you are an adult AND one or more of the circumstances above apply to you … IF you feel you would like to become a baptized Catholic or become more fully initiated into your Catholic faith… our email address is [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 631-661-3224, and we would be happy to help you.  Our next session begins in November…call or email us today!

Information Regarding Abuse Claims

For anyone who believes they have a Sexual Abuse Claim against an Additional Debtor (parish) arising prior to December 3, 2024, the claim form to submit and related information can be found at under the “Proof of Claim Form” heading.  The deadline for filing claims is January 13, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. prevailing Eastern time.

A Message from the Parish Office: Tips on Spotting a Scam

Click here for some important information regarding possible scam emails or texts and how to keep yourself safe.

Brochure:  Choosing a Catholic Elementary School

Our Catholic schools cultivate a robustly Catholic culture centered on the spiritual, intellectual, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church. Click here to access a helpful brochure that highlights the richness and diversity of our Catholic Schools on Long Island.