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Live-Stream Mass on Facebook
The Daily Mass is live-streamed on Facebook Monday-Saturday at 8:30am. The Sunday Masses are live-streamed on Facebook on Saturdays at 5:00pm; Sundays at 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm and 6:00pm.
Click the Facebook LIVE logo to be re-directed to our Parish’s Facebook page. Masses & parish events live-streamed on Facebook are archived on the platform and can be watched at a later time. Note: You do not need a Facebook account to view the live-stream.
Information Regarding Abuse Claims
Bambinelli Sunday | Blessing of the Baby Jesus
Bring the baby Jesus from your family’s nativity scene to Mass for a special blessing!
Sunday, December 22
At All Masses
An annual tradition at OLL in preparation for Christmas, the Blessing of the Bambinelli was first instituted by St John Paul II. The children of Rome are encouraged to bring the baby Jesus (Bambinelli) from each of their nativity sets to St Peter’s Square. Following the Sunday Angelus address, the Pope blesses the figurines. Now celebrated in other churches around the world, this Advent tradition is a way for children to connect their nativity scene at home to the celebration of Christmas at their church.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – Monday, December 23
in the Church
Priests will be available to offer this beautiful sacrament during these times. Come and experience the healing gift of God’s boundless mercy. Haven’t been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a while? Refer to this helpful flyer for information on what to expect.
2000 Years Ago – A Child Was Born
In a small town called Bethlehem…which means HOUSE OF BREAD
He was placed in a Manger…which was a FEEDING TROUGH
And He grew up to be…THE BREAD OF LIFE
Jesus Came to Feed Us All Spiritually and Physically.
On this Third Week of Advent, JOY comes from the Manger. Jesus came to Spread Peace.
May We Feel the Joy of Jesus Within Us this Season.
Christmas Flower Offerings
Remember your loved ones, both living and deceased, and help beautify our church during the Christmas season by participating in our parish’s Christmas Flower offering. Registered parishioners should have received a donation envelope at home and additional envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Christmas Flower offering donations received by Sunday, December 15 will be published in the December 25 bulletin. Offerings received after that date will be published in subsequent bulletins. Please PRINT CLEARLY on your envelope and THANK YOU for supporting our parish!
Needed: Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers for Christmas Masses
Additional Eucharistic Ministers will be needed to serve at the Christmas Masses. If you are an EM and would like to help, please add your name, contact information and the Mass you can assist with to the Christmas Eucharistic Minister sheet posted in the Sign-in Room. Anyone who would like to assist as an Usher at Christmas Masses is requested to add their name, contact information and the Mass they will help with to the Volunteer Usher list, also in the Sign-in Room.
Jubilee 2025
The 2025 Jubilee will officially open on December 24, 2024 at 7pm in Rome, with the rite of Opening of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter by the Holy Father, who will then preside over the celebration of the Night Mass of the Lord’s Birth inside the Basilica. Stay tuned for any 2025 Jubilee related events as they become available.
Religious Education: “Special K”
Fridays – 4:30-5:15pm
2025: January 31, February 28, March 28 & April 25
Attention Parents and Grandparents of children in Kindergarten! Designed for children in Kindergarten, this program fosters their interest in and understanding of the process of Religious Education. We meet in the Solarium (room near the statue of Jesus with the Children) monthly, on Friday afternoons at 4:30pm. The theme has been “Welcoming Jesus” and we have covered many topics: Prayer, Sharing, and Community among them. This year, the Program will begin in October. We have expanded our range of topics to include some holiday traditions and explanations of the Church seasons so that a young child may connect more easily with parish life. The program is entirely voluntary – so come and see! If you plan on coming, e-mail Sister Diane so we will have enough materials: [email protected].
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Tuesdays
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from 12:30pm until 7:30pm, in the Church. Come and spend some quiet time alone in prayer with Jesus. Invite a friend!
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (Formerly… Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
What’s it all about? IF you are an adult AND … you were never Baptized … you were Baptized in another faith and would like to become a baptized Catholic … you never received Holy Communion (Eucharist) … you never received your Confirmation… IF you are an adult AND one or more of the circumstances above apply to you … IF you feel you would like to become a baptized Catholic or become more fully initiated into your Catholic faith… our email address is [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 631-661-3224, and we would be happy to help you. Our next session begins in November…call or email us today!
A Message from the Parish Office: Tips on Spotting a Scam
Click here for some important information regarding possible scam emails or texts and how to keep yourself safe.
Brochure: Choosing a Catholic Elementary School
Our Catholic schools cultivate a robustly Catholic culture centered on the spiritual, intellectual, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church. Click here to access a helpful brochure that highlights the richness and diversity of our Catholic Schools on Long Island.