News & Updates
Live-Stream Mass on Facebook
The Daily Mass is live-streamed on Facebook Monday-Saturday at 8:30am. The Sunday Masses are live-streamed on Facebook on Saturdays at 5:00pm; Sundays at 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm and 6:00pm.
Click the Facebook LIVE logo to be re-directed to our Parish’s Facebook page. Masses & parish events live-streamed on Facebook are archived on the platform and can be watched at a later time. Note: You do not need a Facebook account to view the live-stream.
Feast Angel & Archangel Donations
There’s still time to support our parish’s largest fundraiser by becoming an Angel & Archangel sponsor. CLICK HERE to print the form below. Please return the completed form, along with your donation, to the Parish Office or place in the Sunday collection. Thank you for supporting OLL!
PEP 1 Religious Education Program – Registration Information
“Discover the Treasures of God’s Love”
If you have a child entering first grade in public school, your child should be registered for our “PEP 1” Religious Education Program. This first year program is required for participation in First Eucharist. It introduces the children to a basic understanding of the loving presence of God, the person of Jesus, conscience formation and the importance of community worship.
Classes will begin on Wednesday, October 23, 4:15-5:15 pm
Information Meeting and Registration, Choose One:
Monday, September 30, 2024: 10:00am or 7:30pm, Parish Center
Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 10:00am or 7:30pm, Parish Center
The meeting will take approximately 45 minutes and will be held in the Parish Center (meeting room opposite the playground)
• Please bring your child’s Baptismal certificate (a copy is acceptable).
• Baptismal Certificate or copy is needed even if child was baptized at OLL.
• No child will be assigned a room number unless we have a copy of the Baptismal Certificate.
• Returning families who have an incoming first grader MUST attend the registration meeting.
The registration fee (if this is your oldest child) is $220
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the Religious Education office at 631-661-5440 x 3 or email to
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Returns!
THIS SUNDAY, September 8th
9:30am Mass
After a summer of rest, prayer and planning, WE ARE BACK AND READY TO GO!! Children’s Liturgy will start again next Sunday at the 9:30am Mass. After the opening prayer, the children are invited to the Parish Center to hear and learn about the scripture readings of the day at their level. Children from 4 years old through 4th grade are welcome. Parents may join us, if they wish.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, September 22
9:30am Mass
ALL STUDENTS are invited to bring their BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES for a special blessing at the 9:30 Mass on September 22. We will join together to bless these children and the tools they will use to learn and grow during this school year. We will also pray for their teachers and parents who will guide them on their learning journey. Hospitality will follow in the Parish Center.
Calling All Singers!
Do you enjoy singing in the privacy of your home and car or maybe while sitting in the pew at Mass? Have you ever thought about praising the Lord by singing! We are always looking for people to sing in the 11:00am Mass Choir, and we would love to have YOU! Why don’t you come to a rehearsal and try it out? We rehearse on Thursday evenings in the church at 7:00pm and then sing at the 11:00am Mass on Sundays. If you are interested, please contact Robin Reynolds Brennan at or call the rectory office.
NEW! Women’s Prayer Group
Fourth Wednesday of the Month
September 25 & October 23
9:30am & 7:30pm
Parish Center
Consider starting or ending your day with this special opportunity to share our faith. All are welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Tuesdays
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from 12:30pm until 7:30pm, in the Church. Come and spend some quiet time alone in prayer with Jesus. Invite a friend!
A Message from the Parish Office:
Tips on Spotting a Scam
Click here for some important information regarding possible scam emails or texts and how to keep yourself safe.
Brochure: Choosing a Catholic Elementary School
Our Catholic schools cultivate a robustly Catholic culture centered on the spiritual, intellectual, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church. Click here to access a helpful brochure that highlights the richness and diversity of our Catholic Schools on Long Island.